Contact Gatehouse

  • Where to find us

    Gatehouse is located at The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH), Level 1 East, Reception C.  It is co-located with the Victorian Forensic Paediatric Medical Service.


    Gatehouse is open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm to take referrals, for regular appointments, secondary consultation and sexual assault crisis response during business hours at the RCH.  


    Call (03) 9345 6391


    Please note: This email address is only monitored during business hours Monday–Friday 9am-5pm, excluding public holidays. 
    (Please dial 000 in case of emergency or call the Sexual Assault Crisis Counselling Line on 1800 806 292 outside of business hours).  

    After-hours crisis response

    Gatehouse provides after-hours sexual assault crisis response to children who present at the RCH and have experienced sexual assault. 

    This service operates Monday-Friday 5pm-9am, all weekend and on public holidays. 

    To access this service, contact the Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) on 1800 577 011.

    After-hours sexual assault crisis counselling

    If you are a child/young person or a parent/carer and would like to speak to a sexual assault crisis counsellor outside of business hours, call the Sexual Assault Crisis Counselling Line on 1800 806 292. 


    The Royal Children’s Hospital
    50 Flemington Road
    Parkville, Victoria 3052

    Gatehouse community-based services

  • Seeking support following sexual harm

    Call 000 if you are unsafe or in immediate danger

    Call or email Gatehouse
    (03) 9345 6391
    Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

    After-hours Sexual Assault Crisis Line
    1800 806 292